Friday 23 March 2012

A Tale of two cities in Yorkshire: Part 2 York

The night the Health and Social Care Bill actually passed through the House of Lords, I was in York. I couldn't believe that one of the main reasons I tolerate living 4000 miles away from most of my friends and family may be permanently altered.

This little boy was originally up in the Bank of Ideas building a youth club out of sand. He was made in response to the riots in England last summer as an image of hope that society can be rebuilt to benefit everyone, not just the most privileged.

I changed the sandcastle to say NHS because I do believe there is still hope that it can be rebuilt and saved. It's necessary. Private health care is a disaster for everyone but those who make profits off of it. More importantly, it's possible. I only need to remind the British of their own recent history in successfully forcing a government u-turn on an unpopular bill that was set to be made law. Before online petitions existed, people got their asses out on the streets. Time to go back to the old ways.

Pasted up on Lord Mayor's Walk near the corner of Monkgate, York (right where cars park unfortunately).  

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