Monday 6 May 2013

Ante 2013 - Day 1

This weekend was filled with more Yorkshire loveliness than you can shake a stick at, much like last year, which you can read about here and here. The Caged Bird Club worked with Melanie Maddison to put together an exhibition celebrating the labour movement and workers' struggles as well as those of us who are anti-work and reject the divisive workers vs. shirkers rhetoric.

There was a selection of relevant Celebrate People's History posters on display.

There were also a selection of Shape and Situate: Posters of Inspirational European Women to celebrate women who have fought for workers' rights, a fight that is too often portrayed as one that belongs to men.

I had a chance to display the banner I created for the Bristol Hazards Group earlier this year. It was posted to me immediately after being used for an event to highlight the continued blacklisiting of union organisers in the UK.

Just like last year, day one of Ante was about makers and cultural producers sharing what they do and there was no shortage of good people. This stall belonged to Footprint Workers Coop from Leeds.

Knit a Bear Face were back again, this time smashing myths about the Bedroom Tax, one blanket square at a time.

Melanie was there with copies of Shape and Situate and Colouring Outside the Lines.

The Drip Collective came to give coffee making demonstrations, talk about the difference between fair trade and direct trade (the latter is way better than the former) and generally share their enthusiasm for a nicely brewed cup of coffee. 

You might recognise the banner in the background of all of these photos because it was the backdrop pretty much every time CRASS played a show. Yep, Gee Vaucher was there with some of her new prints (that's her in the background of this photo) and she was really awesome.

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